September 20, Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction
8:30-3:30 p.m.

Click here to register

As temperatures rise and populations grow, the strain on our water systems becomes more pronounced. Nowhere is this more evident than in the communities of the West Slope, the headwaters of the Colorado River. Since the early 2000’s, unpredictable snowpack and earlier, hotter summers have stressed water supplies, diminished environmental water quality, and impacted local economies that depend on healthy rivers for agriculture and recreation.

While the threats are real and immediate, there are also tremendous opportunities. We have knowledge, tools, and funding available today that no other generation has seen. However, these incredible resources still require innovative solutions and decisive leadership to make a significant impact.

Today’s decision-makers will answer to all future generations who depend on the Colorado River and its tributaries.

Join us on September 20 for the Colorado River District’s Annual Water Seminar in Grand Junction to learn what is being done to meet this historic moment and leverage resources at the local, state, and regional levels to secure our water future.

Expert speakers and panelists will bring their unique perspectives to help answer questions like:

  • How can protecting the historic Shoshone water rights preserve the long-term health of the Colorado River?
  • How are decision-makers today taking responsibility for the needs of the next generation?
  • What can we learn from past mistakes when it comes to managing this precious resource?
  • How are agricultural producers facing the reality of a hotter drier future?
  • What role does state and federal funding play in realizing these solutions and helping water users throughout the state and the basin?
  • How can small, local, projects make a big difference?

Don’t miss your chance to join the conversation, Register Today!

Preliminary Agenda Highlights

(Subject to change)

Climate in Colorado: Then and Now
A basin-wide outlook on climate impacts on Colorado including findings from the recent Climate Change in Colorado study from State Climatologist Russ Schumacher.

Streamflow and Storage
Updates about what we saw from the rivers this summer and where the large bucket storage (Mead and Powell) currently sits. Discuss projections for the upcoming water year from the Colorado River District’s Director of Technical Advocacy Brendon Langenhuizen.

State of the Colorado River District
This River District has spent the last twelve months working to protect West Slope water, and we have been busy. Learn about some of our most impactful projects, where we are speaking up for West Slope water users in difficult conversations, and what we’re doing next. 

Shoshone Water Preservation Coalition Update
Water users across the state depend on the sustained flows of the Colorado River for agriculture, recreation, environmental benefits and clean drinking water. A broad-based coalition of local governments and water entities has been working for decades to secure the benefits associated with protecting the Shoshone water rights. This panel will bring together diverse voices to share how their lives and livelihoods are impacted by these critical flows.


Down to the Wire: Does History Repeat Itself?
Where do the post-2026 interstate guideline negotiations currently stand? Are there specific examples of how are we seeing history repeat itself in these high-stakes conversations? Are there factors at play today that we haven’t seen before? What are we missing in these conversations? This panel will dive deep into what lessons we can learn from history as we take stock of where we are as a basin today.


Life After Dead Pool: Crisis and opportunity at Lake Powell
Journalist and author, Zak Podmore, will present the lunchtime keynote address with a different perspective on river operations and the value of the Colorado River by examining the crisis at Lake Powell and its links to the overdevelopment of water (especially in the Lower Basin) as well as climate change. What are the implications of the design issues within the Glen Canyon Dam that make water deliveries challenging at low reservoir levels? Is there a positive side of the crisis in the remarkable ecological rebirth that’s already unfolding within Glen Canyon? And do we have an opportunity to rethink the role of Glen Canyon Dam in the Colorado River system?

Alfalfa 101: The Multiple Benefits of Irrigated Agriculture in the West
Dan Keppen, Executive Director of the Family Farm Alliance, will present on the role played by alfalfa and hay crops in local, state and national economies. How are those producers working within the constraints of water restrictions and earlier, hotter summers?

Generational Fields: The Impact of Curtailment on Agriculture and Community
This session explores the intricate dynamics of water rights and curtailment, particularly in the context of agricultural producers. Farmers and ranchers in the upper Colorado River basin have frequently faced natural water shortages due to climate change, however, long term legal restrictions are not as common. In contrast, regions like the Rio Grande and Republican River Basins are dealing with permanent water cutbacks, which have serious effects on local economies and communities.
Speakers will share what they’ve learned and what they wish they had known fifty years ago. They will discuss the impact of water cutbacks on families, communities, and food security both from local and state-wide perspective. This panel will highlight the real stories of farmers and their struggles, as well as possible solutions to these challenges.


Municipal/Water Provider Efforts to Adapt to a Hotter and Drier Climate on the Western Slope
Funded through the Community Funding Partnership, the Sonoran Institute is leading Growing Water Smart workshops and education for communities along the western slope. Their work has supported communities in asking and tackling the hard questions: What policies do we need to change to implement the changes we need? What goals do we need to set to ensure we can support our community in the future? What cultural messages do we need to start to promote? Listen in to our local water provider leaders on how they have taken steps towards water conservation and their goals to further support their communities into the future.

The Catalyst Video and Presentation
What is the power of regional dollars in leveraging federal and state funding? Colorado River District Director of Strategic Partnerships Amy Moyer will premier a new short film about the success of Accelerator Grants and explain their importance with a focus on policy implications and the need for creative, nimble solutions when it comes to water project funding.

3:30 Happy Hour and Networking
Join your fellow water professionals on the terrace for a happy hour, networking opportunity to digest the day’s perspectives and a complimentary beverage (21+) included with your registration.

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Previous Seminars

Annual Water Seminar 2022
Annual Water Seminar 2021
Annual Water Seminar 2020
Annual Water Seminar 2019