CFP Approves over $650k for Water Project Grants

Community Funding Partnership Update At their July quarterly meeting, the Colorado River District Board voted unanimously to approve funds for three Community Funding Partnership (CFP) requests totaling just over $660,000. These projects include emergency repairs for the Feeder Canal which serves over 10,000 acres of irrigated agriculture in Delta County; infrastructure upgrades to the

PRESS RELEASE: $3 Million from Garfield County for Shoshone Permanency

Garfield County commits $3 million to Shoshone Water Right Preservation Local and state sources have now pledged $54.15 million of the $99 million needed to permanently protect the Shoshone water rights. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, June 11, 2024  Garfield County, Colorado — On June 10, the Garfield County Board of County Commissioners voted

PRESS RELEASE: $1 Million from Upper Eagle River Water Providers

Upper Eagle River Water Providers Commit a Combined $1 Million towards Shoshone Permanency Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Boards’ contribution brings total fundraising efforts to $51.15 million. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, May 28, 2024  Vail, Colorado — On May 23, during their respective meetings, the boards of

PRESS RELEASE: City of Glenwood Springs pledges $2 million for Shoshone Water Right Preservation campaign

City of Glenwood Springs pledges $2 million for Shoshone Water Right Preservation campaign Fundraising effort tops $50 million and exceeds halfway mark towards total purchase price.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, May 17, 2024  Glenwood Springs, Colorado — During a regular public meeting on Thursday, May 16th, the Glenwood Springs City Council voted unanimously to contribute

PRESS ADVISORY: Final Four State of the River Meetings for 2024

Final Four State of the River Meetings Scheduled for May Over 430 people have already attended Colorado River District’s State of the River meetings in 2024. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, May 3, 2024 CONTACT:  Lindsay DeFrates - 970.456.8973 Glenwood Springs, Colorado — The Colorado River District’s State of the River meetings are a spring tradition

2024-05-03T18:41:59+00:00May 3rd, 2024|Press Releases, Water News|

Update on Interstate Conversations

Big River Updates April, 2024 View the complete public packet including all staff memos by clicking HERE (.pdf) It has been a busy few months in the interstate and federal arena on the Colorado River. Last fall, Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) requested that the seven basin states present a consensus-based proposal

2024-05-07T17:21:56+00:00April 30th, 2024|Newsletter, Water News|

Hydrology: Moving Sideways

Sideways Outlook Headwaters Snowpack and Hydrology Read the complete board memo HERE As we pass the seasonal peak for snowpack accumulation across the headwaters of the Colorado River, several confounding factors have lined up to cloud the water supply forecast: dust, heat and a fading El Nino. For these reasons, the early reports of

2024-04-30T16:12:38+00:00April 30th, 2024|Newsletter, Water News|

State of the River Meetings, 2024

State of the River Meetings Local Meetings Talk Local Water Issues, Projects as Well as Basin-Wide Outlooks During the first quarter of 2024, the External Affairs team worked to balance the dynamic communications needs of the Shoshone Water Right Preservation Campaign with consistent, District-wide strategic messaging, local stakeholder engagement, and media relations. Planning and

2024-04-30T15:45:24+00:00April 30th, 2024|Newsletter, Water News|

PRESS RELEASE: Three West Slope Counties Pledge $4 Million Towards Shoshone Water Right Preservation

Three West Slope Counties Pledge $4 Million Towards Shoshone Water Right Preservation Grand, Eagle, and Mesa County’s commitments bring total funding for the Shoshone permanency effort to $48.05 million. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, April 23, 2024  Glenwood Springs, Colorado — On Tuesday, April 23, the counties of Grand, Eagle, and Mesa pledged $4 million collectively

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