Colorado River District to host Annual Water Seminar on September 20 in Grand Junction
Full day event to include panels and keynotes from experts, policymakers, community leaders, and elected representatives.
Monday, July 29, 2024
CONTACT: Lindsay DeFrates – 970.456.8973
Glenwood Springs, Colorado — On September 20, the Colorado River District will host its Annual Water Seminar at Colorado Mesa University in the Meyer Ballroom. This year’s theme is Meet the Moment: Acting Today for Tomorrow’s Water Security. Members of the press are invited to attend and may receive complimentary registration by entering the code “PRESS24” when registering at
This all-day event will begin at 8:30 a.m. and include experts, policymakers, community leaders, and stakeholders who will bring local, state, and federal perspectives to the discussion of what immediate actions we can take to secure our water future. Networking opportunities will be available throughout the day and during a happy hour on the terrace once our final speaker wraps up at 3:30 p.m. Learn more about the event on our website here:
Event Summary
As temperatures rise and populations grow, the strain on our water systems becomes more pronounced. Nowhere is this more evident than in the communities of the West Slope, the headwaters of the Colorado River. Since the early 2000s, unpredictable snowpacks and earlier, hotter summers have stressed water supplies, diminished environmental water quality, and impacted local economies that depend on healthy rivers for agriculture and recreation.
While the threats are real and immediate, there are also tremendous opportunities. We have knowledge, tools, and funding available today that no other generation has seen. However, these incredible resources still require innovative solutions and decisive leadership to make a significant impact.
Today’s decision-makers will answer to all future generations who depend on the Colorado River and its tributaries.
Join us on September 20 for the Colorado River District’s Annual Water Seminar in Grand Junction to learn what is being done to meet this historic moment and leverage resources at the local, state, and regional levels to secure our water future.
Expert speakers and panelists will bring their unique perspectives to help answer questions like:
- How can protecting the historic Shoshone water rights preserve the long-term health of the Colorado River?
- How are decision-makers today taking responsibility for the needs of the next generation?
- What can we learn from past mistakes when it comes to managing this precious resource?
- How are agricultural producers facing the reality of a hotter and drier future?
- What role does state and federal funding play in realizing these solutions and helping water users throughout the state and the basin?
- How can small, local projects make a big difference?
Visit our website for the most up-to-date agenda: