Protecting Western Slope
Water Since 1937
The Colorado River District’s mission is to lead in the protection, conservation, use, and development of the water resources of the Colorado River water basin for the welfare of the District, and to safeguard for Colorado all waters of the Colorado River to which the state is entitled.
The Colorado River District is local government. We exist to serve you – water users across the 15 West Slope Colorado counties that from the headwaters of the Yampa, White, Gunnison, and Colorado Rivers. We do this through legal and legislative advocacy, technical and engineering support, community outreach and education, and multi-benefit water project grant funding.
In addition to protecting West Slope water interests within our borders, the Colorado River District also supports the State of Colorado to ensure our water interests within the greater Colorado River Basin are protected when federal and interstate negotiations around Colorado River Basin water and water management occur.
Our goal has been the same since our founding: to protect West Slope water and keep in on the Western Slope. In 1937, when West Slope residents woke up one day to newspaper headlines announcing more water diversions from the Colorado River to the Front Range, Western Colorado leaders organized and went east to advocate and create a unified voice for West Slope water interests. That voice is now us, your Colorado River District, established when then Governor Teller Ammons signed the Conservancy District Act, allowing the formation of the Colorado River Water Conservation District.
Over 80 years later, we’re even more committed to ensure water security for Colorado’s Western Slope. The challenges facing Western Colorado water supplies today have only grown in magnitude. Demand for Colorado River water is increasing as climate change, aridification, and population growth compounds across the American Southwest. Meanwhile our Colorado mountain snowpack – our and the majority of the greater Colorado River Basin’s water source – is shrinking amid long-term, temperature-driven drought.
Despite the mounting crisis on the Colorado River, the Colorado River District is working to sustain a bright future for Western Colorado. We’ll continue to work on federal, state, and local levels to advocate for the best policies, projects, and funding for our West Slope water users and work together with diverse partners to find innovative ways to help our communities adapt to living with less.
Our mission is to lead in the protection, conservation, use, and development of the water resources of the Colorado River basin for the welfare of the District, and to safeguard for Colorado all waters of the Colorado River to which the state is entitled. Today, we carry out this work. We do this work by focusing on these key focus areas:
Drinking Water
Protecting drinking water supplies for Western Colorado communities to ensure thriving towns and cities on the West Slope.
Sustaining water that keeps our West Slope agriculture and local food production growing.
Water Security
Ensuring water security for current and future water users on the West Slope to ensure future generations can enjoy our Western Colorado way of life.
river levels & water quality
Maintaining river levels and water quality to ensure healthy fish and wildlife
water supplies
Protecting drinking water supplies for Western Colorado communities to ensure thriving towns and cities on the West Slope.
modernize irrigation systems
Helping farmers and ranchers modernize irrigation systems to make the most of their water rights.