Project Description

Marc Catlin represents Montrose County on the Board of Directors.
In January 2017, he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Colorado House of Representatives and now represents House District 58 as well. Most recently, Marc was the Water Right Development Coordinator for Montrose County where he worked to identify and protect water rights within the county. From 1996 to 2011, he served as Manager of the Uncompahgre Valley Water User’s Association.
He was born and raised on a row crop farm in Montrose, and is still actively involved with farming today.
Marc also hosts a weekly talk-radio program on AM 580 KUBC called “Diversions” regarding water issues of the western slope. His experience in water management related issues give him a unique perspective on Colorado River issues. Marc is an advocate for the producers of the western slope and believes this is a critical era in Colorado history and for the future of the Colorado River.
Mr. Catlin’s current term expires January 2021.