Project Description

Martha “Marti” Whitmore represents Ouray County.
Marti Whitmore has practiced law in Colorado since 1978, primarily in water, environmental permitting and compliance, public lands and natural resources. Her experience includes representation of municipal water providers and other water users on both sides of the Continental Divide. She is currently the County Attorney for Montrose County, Colorado, and represents Ouray County on the Gunnison Basin Round Table, is co-chair of the Club 20 Water Committee, and is the Ouray County board member on the Colorado River Water Conservation District board.
Ms. Whitmore has served as Chief Deputy Attorney General for the State of Colorado under Attorney General Gale Norton; as General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation during the chairmanship of Senator John McCain; and as an appointee in the George W. Bush Administration, working for Secretary Gale Norton as Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior, and chairing the Everglades Restoration Task Force.
In addition to legal experience, she has been both on staff reviewing and drafting legislation as well as a lobbyist drafting and proposing or opposing legislation. She has extensive communications experience and media training, and has served as a public information officer for state and local government entities.
Ms. Whitmore’s term expires January 2021.